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Frozen Wraps
BeMo's 加熱即時的捲餅,讓你在家可以輕鬆快速解決一餐,即便針對外出野餐、喜愛登山露營的朋友們也都適合。我們推出三種口味的捲餅:起司拉達、印度捲、阿口捲,讓您在繁忙的生活中,也可以吃得方便又健康。
BeMo's precooked frozen wraps are perfect for meals at home, picnics, camping and special occasions. Our three flavors include the Enchilada Wrap, Acapulco Wrap and Masala Wrap! These healthy and fresh wraps can help you keep up with a busy, modern lifestyle.
(Each wrap weighs 220 grams)

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